Ron Meszaros


Ron Meszaros is no stranger to moving boxes, new schools and new friends. Akron, Ohio. Phoenix, Arizona. Fontana, California. Baberton, Ohio. Suffield, Ohio. Fort Worth, Texas. Portage Lakes, Ohio. Athens, Ohio. Springfield, Missouri. Qui Nhon, Vietnam. Chicago, Illinois. San Francisco, California. Phoenix , Arizona (2). Running Springs, California. Malibu, California. Rogue River, Oregon. And now Fairhope, Alabama. "Moving, like traveling, brings an air of excitement to one's life. You become comfortable around strangers, and you realize everyone has an interesting tale to tell. There is a sameness there on top, yet subtle differences are just under the surface. That is where I mine for stories. If you are a writer, you are a wise person to listen -- to collect. I do not enjoy talking about myself in those situations. I gain nothing, but their stories are indeed the gems. No writer can develop a story, a situation, or characters as rich as these. Certainly, it is no coincidence that the best writers are former reporters who went out to gather a story and returned with a notebook full of notes.


