Rondi Dinkele is a creative soul and loves bright and colourful things. She is a wife and mother to three sons and a very special nephew-son. Rondi first became fascinated by children’s books at college, where she studied to be a teacher. Later, as she read to her own children, and the many others in her care, she marveled at the absolute enchantment on their faces as they became totally absorbed by the story. This ability to transport a young reader to an imaginary place inspired her to write her first children’s book. Rondi appreciates beautiful colourful illustrations, especially those that require a second (or third) look. She loves the detail one can see in nature and encourages everyone to stop and take time to admire the beauty in the world around them. In her spare time, Rondi enjoys gardening. She also renovates old furniture and loves knitting, sewing and crochet. Rondi and her husband have three grandchildren, and spending time with them is a favourite pastime!!