Russell Madden lives in Iowa, with his wife, Chris, and their cat, Gizzy Dean. He loves growing tomatoes and various hot and bell peppers for his special-recipe salsa that he makes in big batches each summer. He has published hundreds of essays, articles, and stories. In all of them, he writes as though freedom matters. Which it does. His Website is available at: He can be reached at: Russell’s books include the novels Death is Easy, The Guardian Project, and Random. His quarter-million word collection, Freedom, As If It Mattered, covers a wide variety of topics in philosophy, ethics, politics, and current events. Academic articles on communication, a selection of short fiction, and a screenplay are also included. See also Ayn Rand and Objectivism: A Collection of Essays About Ayn Rand and the World from an Objectivist Perspective; F. Paul Wilson, Repairman Jack, and More, that includes an essay with F. Paul Wilson, reviews of his books, and other freedom-oriented reviews and essays; and the collection Terrorism, 9/11, and Freedom, a chronological collection of essays and articles covering the so-called “War on Terrorism.“ Other short stories and essays are available on Amazon.