Russell Meredith


“You’re ready to sell your paintings only when you don’t care about selling them.” Russell Meredith’s art teacher told this to the adult painting class he attended as a child. Looking back years later, he thought, what a Zen thing to say. His teacher defined “art” as “the intentional expression of feeling.” Meredith earned a B.A. in English from the University of Cincinnati. His career included writing many software user manuals that people actually read, as well as writing public service announcements at a public relations firm. Growing up surrounded by fields but not part of a farm family himself, Meredith was neither a farm kid nor a town kid nor a subdivision kid. This not-quite-fitting-in is reflected in the main character in his books. Meredith’s mother was an English teacher who aspired to be a writer, and his father was an avid reader of mysteries. The mysteries that Meredith explores in his books are not just of murders, but those concerning life’s experiences.

