Ruth Elston is a natural health enthusiast, wife, mother, grandma and part time writer. She loves to write, read, travel, walk on the beach, spend time with family and play with her dogs. Ruth uses her enthusiasm for writing, natural health and homeopathy to write about the topics she cares deeply about. She believes achieving a healthy and pain free life without over reliance on over-the-counter and prescription drugs is far easier than you think. Ruth's mission in life is to build up an overwhelming body of anecdotal evidence in support of natural healing remedies, because she passionately believes such evidence does matter and that every individual's personal experience does count. Ruth encourages her readers to share their experiences of natural remedies in order to provide valuable information on which others can base their health decisions. She has received many thank you letters from around the world written by readers who have shared their stories of how natural remedies have helped improve their lives.