Ryan O'Sullivan


Dr Ryan O’Sullivan is a senior executive, board member, business adviser, startup investor and university lecturer. He has spent his career perfecting and then evangelizing a ‘relationship first’ approach to growing revenue. This has resulted in many awards and accolades over his career, including the most net-new clients in a year on multiple occasions, fastest net-new client in the organization’s history, first strategic deal n a new country and largest deal in the organization’s history. He has won deal of the year and salesperson of the year on multiple occasions and has been the number one annual revenue earner many times, often for consecutive years. Ryan started his career generating net-new business and realized early on that focusing on prospect organizations where there was an existing relationship resulted in disproportionate success. Understanding the value of existing relationships led him to the following question: what are the contributing factors that determine a good-quality business-to-business relationship? Ryan was so determined to get a well-evidenced answer to this question that he spent seven years researching it, resulting in a PhD. He applied this evolved thinking to great success during his eight years at Infosys – a global IT services firm – and, more recently, at relationship intelligence and mapping company, Introhive, where he has worked since early 2020. He is a regular speaker on the subject of relationship mapping. Ryan is invited to present at corporate and industry events and guest lectures at various universities around the world, evangelizing how mapping relationships will increase your strategic deal wins and make key account management more effective. He also brings this insight to the boardroom, where for a small number of startup companies that have a particular focus on B2B relationships, he is involved as an investor, adviser or board member.

