Sacha Lively has been exploring improv for over twenty years. His journey began as a curious, awkward student, crafting equally curious and awkward scenes on the high school stage and ignited into a passion that has shaped the course of his life. His role evolved from student to teacher and performer as he learned to celebrate mistakes, uplift scene partners, and share his imagination unabashedly and sometimes “bashedly” with the audience. Improv has become a way of thinking—a practice in trust, acceptance, humanity and joyful collaboration. Sacha developed his skills and honed his craft at the Kinkonauts Conservatory in Calgary and continues to explore, play, teach, and learn, ever curious about new ways to inspire others and build a more playful and connected world through improv. For Sacha, improv is not just something that happens on stage—it’s a philosophy that enriches everyday life. Whether leading workshops, performing in shows, or applying the principles of improv in unexpected settings, he believes the real magic of improv lies in its ability to cultivate creativity, connection, and joy.