Sam Feuerbach


Bestseller Author Sam Feuerbach garnered 200.000 enthusiastic reviews worldwide (Amazon/Audible) with his tales of fantasy and imagination. His works have been translated into English, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish and Korean. In October 2018, "The Gravedigger’s Son and the Waif Girl" was awarded the Phantastic Prize for the Best Audio Book, in November 2020 he has won the Skoutz Award for "The Thief and the Mercenary". He debuted his first series in 2014. His humorous fantasies, set in the middle-ages, are full of riveting action and captivating dialogue. Even when he is not writing, Sam is thinking about telling exciting stories, and always looking for the magic in the everyday. Fantasy is as much a part of Sam’s life as brushing his teeth and waiting to cross when the pedestrian light is red. Several old masters of the fantasy genre have accompanied Sam on his path towards adulthood (a path he is still journeying on). These include Robert Asprin – especially the humour in his early work, George R.R. Martin with his powerful dialogues, not to mention Joe Abercrombie and the sheer power of his words.



