Samantha Silva is an author and screenwriter based in Idaho. Her debut novel, MR. DICKENS AND HIS CAROL, was published by Flatiron Books/ Macmillan (2017) in a two-book deal. LOVE AND FURY: A NOVEL OF MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT, publishes in May 2021. Over her career, Silva's sold film projects to Paramount, Universal, New Line Cinema, and TNT. A film adaptation of her short story, THE BIG BURN, won the 1 Potato Short Screenplay Competition at the Sun Valley Film Festival in 2017. Silva directed, her first time at the helm. Her essays appear on LitHub, and a short story, "Leo in Venice," appeared in the September 2019 issue of One Story. She graduated from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, where she studied in Bologna, Italy and Washington, D.C. She's lived in London three times, briefly in Rome, is an avid Italophile, and a forever Dickens devotee. (Photo by Glenn Landberg.)