Sarah Bravekins


Sarah Bravekins is a writer and nutrition expert born in New York in 1981, where she still lives with her husband and two children. From a young age, she found herself having to live with type 1 diabetes. That led her to have severe mental and physical discomforts and forced her to make many sacrifices. For a teenager, having to say no to dinner at a restaurant with friends and being constantly worried about her health is more baffling than one might think. These difficulties, however, did not bring her down but spurred her to find a solution. Sarah decided to specialize in the study of human nutrition to understand how to help herself and all those who live with the same condition. Having always been a lover of good food, she devotes most of her time to creating and experimenting with different flavors and ingredients that can give a tasty twist to her dishes while always keeping them healthy and light. Combining these two passions, nutrition and cooking, Sarah decided to write books to help all those looking to revolutionize their lifestyle and make it healthier to get back in shape or keep a health condition under control, as she successfully did with her diabetes.

