Sarah is an RHS Chelsea Flower Show gold medal winner and writes for BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. As @theplantrescuer on Instagram she dedicates her time to helping thousands of people worldwide with their houseplant problems. A self confessed plant activist, Sarah believes all plants deserve our care and respect and with a little knowledge everyone can grow healthy houseplants. 'We live in a throwaway society in which it’s easier and quicker to replace rather than repair. We’ve moved so far away from the ‘make do and mend’ mentality of previous generations that we tend to chuck anything away, from faulty appliances and out-of-style clothing to vegetables and plants that are deemed ‘imperfect’. A culture obsessed with perfection leads to millions of healthy plants being discarded. They are discarded by the grower, the wholesaler, the shop owner and by us in our own homes – nature is being binned because it doesn’t meet our impossibly high standards' My aim is to encourage others to buy the neglected plants, not the perfect ones and to show that with a little time, effort, and knowledge, they can recover and thrive. Saving a plant from being thrown away is taking a stand against the needless and wasteful binning of healthy plants simply because they don’t live up to our ideals.