Sarah Quigley


Sarah grew up in Litchfield, Minnesota. She spent much of her youth doing community theater, playing the flute, and whining in her diary about how no boys liked her. She attended Carleton College, where she majored in Russian, founded the Stitch and Bitch knitting club, and met a boy who liked her enough to marry her. Sarah holds a master's degree in English as a Second Language from the University of Minnesota. She taught ESL for eight years at colleges in New York City and San Francisco. Sarah is a self-described grammar nerd who composes long, ridiculous text messages because she can't bring her self to write "c u tmrw." Sarah started a blog when she was procrastinating writing her master's thesis. A few years later, the blog caught the attention of an editor at Dutton Children's Books, who asked Sarah if she was interested in writing a young adult novel. Thus, the seeds for TMI were planted. Sarah is something of a unicorn in the publishing world: a first-time author who has never received a rejection letter. Sarah currently resides in San Francisco with her husband and two daughters. She is a stay-at-home mother, and she never misses an episode of Survivor. Like Becca, the heroine of TMI, Sarah enjoys knitting, baking, and oversharing.


