Sarah Robbins is a kindergarten teacher turned seven-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing, and is considered one of the world's leading network marketing consultants. Now in the top 1 percent income bracket of all women in America, she began part-time with no business experience and by the age of twenty-nine, had achieved a six-figure per month income within her network marketing company. Sarah has been featured in many best-selling network marketing books and is a frequent speaker at top industry events. As a speaker, she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership, and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others. In 2012, Sarah founded SarahRobbins.com, a free resource dedicated to helping educate, enlighten, enrich, and elevate the entire network marketing profession. You can find free training, videos, and blogs at www.SarahRobbins.com.