Scott Anderson


Scott Anderson was born on an American Airbase in Frankfurt, Germany and shuttled around the world, as Air Force brats are wont to do. After graduating with a degree in physics from Sonoma State University, he proceeded to program and write about computers and technology. He wrote Supermap, published by Apple; Datadex, published by IUS; and Fantavision, published by Broderbund. He wrote a book on tweening, warping and morphing called Morphing Magic, which included open-source C code. Anderson co-created LEGO Island with Wes Jenkins, Dennis Goodrow, Paul Melmed and Dave Patch in 1997. With Dr. Ann Kiessling, he wrote Human Embryonic Stem Cells, published by Jones & Bartlett in 2006. Anderson coauthored The Psychobiotic Revolution with John Cryan and Ted Dinan, published by National Geographic in 2017.



