For more than 30 years, Scott Wilson grew Oaks Church into a thriving local ministry with high global impact. Under his leadership, the Oaks has served thousands of families in the South Dallas area and has raised up and sent out hundreds of successful leaders, both nationally and internationally. Having seen the valuable impact of providing a spiritual covering to many church leaders, Scott founded 415 Leaders to raise up spiritual fathers and mothers with a vision that every pastor should have spiritual parents. He also founded Ready Set Grow, a ministry to help churches breakthrough their growth barriers by sharing his own experience and best-in-class partners. Scott has written many books and is a sought-after speaker on personal, spiritual and organizational growth and leadership. His latest book Impact: Releasing the Power of Influence is now available. Scott and his wife, Jenni, have been married since 1990 and have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and one grandson: Dillon and Holly, Hunter and Emily (and Teddy), and Dakota.