This is Jim Harrison, your favorite flying ace. If you’ve read my trilogy, you know these books are autobiographies, and Sean Robins is just a pen name. If you haven’t, well then, SURPRISE! ***** Sorry about that, guys. I could never resist a good meta-joke. So, this is me. The real me, Sean Robins. Unfortunately, my life is nowhere nearly as interesting as my main protagonist’s. I’m a university/college-level English teacher, and including Canada, I’ve lived and worked in six different countries. I’ve met people from all around the world, which is probably why my characters look like the bridge crew from Star Trek (They are from US, Germany, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Russia, Japan, and Ukraine, plus a couple of aliens and an AI). One of my female characters even impersonated Uhura once, albeit posthumously. I’m a huge Marvel (plus Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and Stargate) fan, which shows since my novels are loaded with pop culture references. If you are a sci-fi fan (I assume that you are), you’ll enjoy them tremendously. Moreover, while the books aren’t comedies, I can guarantee a few laugh-out-loud moments. Case in point: The “good” aliens are a race of pranksters, whose main goal in life is pulling other people’s legs (They have four legs, hence the slight change in the idiom). My favorite author is Jim Butcher (The Dresden Files), which is probably how I ended up writing in a first-person POV with the same light-hearted, funny tone as he does. The fact that my MC’s name is Jim is purely coincidental though, and it has nothing to do with James Kirk either. I hope you enjoyed reading The Crimson Deathbringer as much as I enjoyed writing it (her?). If you did, don’t forget to read the next two books in the series, The Golden Viper and The Black Fleet. Also, please follow me so that you’ll be the first to know whenever I write a new book (which sadly isn’t that often, maybe once a year—I tend to rewrite everything fifteen times before I’m satisfied). I think the easiest way is to follow me on Amazon, but Goodreads, BookBob, Twitter (@seanrobins300) and/or Facebook (facebook.com/seanrobins300) are also good options.