Shawna Holman


Shawna Holman is the founder and owner of A Little Less Toxic, follower of Jesus, wife to Damien, mother to two littles, a devoted credentialed teacher now serving and educating her children at home as well as her online community, and a dedicated friend to all who have the privilege of knowing her. After battling chronic health issues for many years that ended in no relief and nearly cost her her life, Shawna decided it was time to try something different that would not only work but would have lasting impact. Through intentional and mindful changes over time, Shawna began a journey that left her pain free for the first time in several years. When the fog of pain she was living behind lifted she couldn't help but tell everyone her journey. After a lot of gentle nudging from friends and family A Little Less Toxic was born where Shawna shared her experience and gave practical simple swaps that anyone can implement to improve their own health and homes. Her followers continue to grow organically, and they all want to be along for the ride resulting in them sharing her with their friends and family also. Shawna's approach has always been realistic to ensure sustainability, making these swaps easy and mindful for every household and budget. No one journey looks the same and there is no place for comparison in her space. Since Shawna's own healing she has become the biggest cheerleader and motivator to all those on the same path to health and wellness within their bodies and homes. Her silly spirit and huge heart will leave you wanting more. You can join her and get all of her best tips and tricks online: @alittlelesstoxic on Instagram as well as her website at


