Shweta Ganesh Kumar is a Writer, Parenting columnist and Founder-Editor of The Times Of Amma, a blog and community dedicated to inspiring mothers one day at a time, featuring real life stories on honest parenting and interviews with inspirational Indian mothers and Mompreneurs. Her blog has been listed amongst the ‘Top Ten Indian Mom Blogs to follow’ on multiple Indian parenting sites. Indian Moms Connect ranked the Times of Amma Instagram profile as the Number One Indian Mom account to follow on the platform. Shweta is also the bestselling author of two novels on the Indian Broadcast News Industry. Her last worldwide release ‘A Newlywed’s Adventures in Married Land,’ a modern take on Alice In Wonderland got rave reviews from critics and readers alike and has been consistently ranked high in Amazon India’s 100 bestsellers in Indian writing list since 2014. Her travel columns have been featured in Travel and Flavours, Venture, The New Indian Express, One Philippines and Geo. Her non-fiction pieces have appeared in multiple Indian editions of the Chicken Soup series. Her short fiction and poetry have been published in more than twenty anthologies and online literary magazines in more than four continents. You can read more about her life and work at www.shwetaganeshkumar.com