Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann (1931-2019) was professor emeritus of education at the University of Oregon and the primary architect of the Direct Instruction (DI) programs, an approach based on the principles originated in the Bereiter-Engelmann Preschool in the late 1960s. Engelmann was the senior author of more than 100 curricula using DI principles and numerous other articles and books. He had a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Illinois and an honorary doctorate from the Psychology Department of Western Michigan University. He was the 1994 recipient of the Fred S. Keller Award from the American Psychological Association’s Division of Experimental Analysis of Behavior. In 2000 the journal Remedial and Special Education named him as one of the 54 most influential people in the history of special education, and in 2002 the Council of Scientific Society Presidents awarded him the 2002 Award of Achievement in Education Research. To learn more about Zig, visit