Sorcha Monk


When I read a story, I like knowing a little bit about the person who wrote it. So, here’s a little bit about me… I was a middle school teacher for almost 20 years, but that was in another life. Nowadays, when I’m not writing, I spend my time playing in the clay with pottery, riding my motorcycle, walking my dogs, and bowing down before my cats. I love the weird things that our imaginations can create, and I’m always open to a tale (long or short) that will make me laugh – and maybe give me some strange dreams. I believe that, while sometimes it’s good to have a moral to a story, there are other times that it’s good just to have a fun time. No morals. No lessons. Just an enjoyable way to spend your time and imagination. I think (I hope!) that’s what you find in my stories. At the time I am writing this, I live in the town where I grew up. It’s in a desert, near a river with a wildlife refuge, and surrounded by mountains. Growing up, there were always dogs and cats in my family. We had a couple of Mustang horses that we rode bareback, and lizards and tortoises and birds… but mostly dogs and cats. I love taking my dogs to the river, where they can run up and down the beach and chase each other over who owns the stick they found. For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed reading. I was the kid who always had a book, and my library reading-punchcard was full of holes. Today, I’m the one with the ebook (because I can’t carry all the books I want to read). I have always loved stories – especially the good ones – and I hope that for you, my stories are some of those good ones.

