Stacy Brown


Stacy Brown is a school librarian and serves as the Director of Innovation and Professional Learning at The Davis Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, where she manages two libraries and innovation spaces in a kindergarten prep through 8th grade academic environment. Stacy is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin and earned a Master’s in Library and Information Sciences from Florida State University. Stacy is a national presenter at educational technology and library conferences, including SxSWEDU, GaETC, TLA, and ALA. She serves on the boards for the Atlanta Area Technology Educators and Savvy Cyber Kids, Inc. Stacy is the author of Revolutionize Youth Book Clubs: Strategies for Meaningful and Fun Reading Experiences published by Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited in 2024, the author of The School Librarian's Technology Playbook: Innovative Strategies to Inspire Teachers and Learners published in February 2020 by ABC-CLIO, a contributor to book The School Librarian's Compass published by Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited in 2023, a contributor to the book entitled School Library Makerspaces in Action published by ABC-CLIO in March 2018, and a contributing author to Library Technology Reports May/June 2018 volume. She is also the author of several online courses for School Library Connection on the topics of technology integration and collection development. Stacy inspires a thoughtful use of technology, an enthusiasm for reading, and a lifelong interest in learning through both her personal and professional achievements.


