Modern authors do so much more than writing books. They also maintain blogs, produce videos, hold speeches, and discuss relevant subjects on social media. They offer a holistic service that revolves around the value they labor to produce for their audience. In Stefan’s case, the value is enlightenment, the evolution of consciousness. At his online enlightenment workshop, Stefan showcases fiction & non-fiction books, articles, memes, flash fiction, videos, and email courses. The workshop’s flagship content is a two-year practical enlightenment email course. 2016, Stefan ventured into fiction writing because he realized it had certain advantages over non-fiction. Non-fiction is ‘telling’ and fiction is ‘showing’. Many enlightenment non-fiction books tell readers about enlightenment (nothing wrong with that), but few show how to do it. Fewer even show enlightened states of mind. We use enlightenment techniques, like meditation, to attune our minds to other (inner) realities and higher aspects of our self. The results are revelations. Stories can do the same thing for us. That is one reason most ancient spiritual scriptures are in story form. We extract wisdom and understanding and empathy from experiences. Stories are virtual experiences from which we can also extract wisdom, understanding, and empathy. Hence, stories address our most existential need. As you can see, enlightenment and storytelling have interesting parallels, which prompted Stefan to write a book about storytelling - The Eight Crafts of Writing. Stefan was born in Germany and enjoyed two years backpacking in Australia, New Zealand, and South-East Asia in his early twenties. Over three decades, Stefan has pursued enlightenment. Prior to becoming a writer, he has worked as a business development manager in Europe, Middle East, and Asia. At the moment, he lives with his son in the Philippines.