Steve is a computer fanatic and Minecraft lover of many years. He has been playing with Legos since 5 years old, so Minecraft came very naturally to him. He loves taking things apart and putting them back together in different configurations. When not playing Minecraft or tinkering, Steve can be found sleeping. Though not a writer by profession, Steve has greatly enjoyed writing fanfiction about Minecraft. Thanks to the support from readers and reviewers, Steve will keep on writing these fun stories. Thank you for reading Steve's books and supporting his work. Steve extremely appreciates his reviewers for taking the time to leave a review. From the reviews, Steve has gained valuable feedback and has decided to write longer Minecraft diaries in the future. All books have Kindle Book Lending enabled as well as Kindle Matchbook price of $0.00. So, if you decide to get a print edition, you also get the kindle edition for free! You can give away the print edition as a gift and keep the kindle edition for yourself.