Steve Peskind


Steven N. Peskind is a nationally recognized lawyer, author, speaker and teacher. Mr. Peskind is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the International Academy of Family Lawyers. He has also been elected as a Diplomate of the prestigious American College of Family Trial Lawyers, which admits only the top 100 Family Law attorneys in the nation. During his long and accomplished career, Mr. Peskind has represented parties in complex family law matters involving divorce, paternity, and adoption. Additionally, as an appellate lawyer, he has been involved with cases that have materially changed the landscape of Illinois Family Law. Mr. Peskind’s career as an author commenced in 2013 when he published “The Family Law Trial Evidence Handbook”. The book is a treatise on evidence for practicing family lawyers, which continues to be a bestseller for ABA Publications. He followed up that book with the publication of “Divorce in Illinois” in 2014, and of which, a Second Edition was published by Addicus Publications in 2019. This book is a guide in a question and answer format discussing the laws, process, and procedures for those considering or going through an Illinois divorce. In 2015, Mr. Peskind again published with ABA Publications a book titled, “One Hundred Days Before Trial: A Family Lawyer’s Guide to Preparation and Strategy”. Additionally, Mr. Peskind has published two books for the Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education on the Illinois Marriage of Dissolution of Marriage Act and the Illinois Parentage Act. Mr. Peskind has also published three academic law review articles, multiple articles for professional journals and authored several chapters of multi-author books. As a speaker, Mr. Peskind is regularly sought to speak on topics involving family law trial advocacy. He has given countless presentations including two keynote addresses to the Oklahoma and Hawaii family law sections. He has spoken throughout the country and locally at events sponsored by local and state bar associations. Mr. Peskind serves on the faculty of the Family Law Trial Advocacy Institute, presented annually in Boulder, Colorado, by the American Bar Association and the National Institute of Trial Advocacy. It is the foremost family law trial advocacy program in the nation attended by lawyers from throughout the United States and Canada. He also has served on the Oklahoma Family Law Trial Advocacy Institute as a special lecturer on the Rules of Evidence in Family Law cases. Mr. Peskind shares his insights on trial practice and the practice of law in his blog, The Successful Lawyer:


