Steven R. Adams is one of the nation’s leading DUI/criminal defense attorneys, a sought-after public speaker and author with a thriving solo practice based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Named one of Ohio’s Top 100 lawyers, Adams has established himself as a master of marketing. In Practice Law Like an Ironman, he offers a unique workshop program for any lawyer aspiring to build a solo or small practice of their own. His versatile strategy employs an unbeatable marketing master plan, and an office set-up protocol, that can be tailored to any niche of the law. Over the course of his career, Steve has served as a judicial law clerk, prosecutor and political campaign manager. Not least impressive, he is a four-time Ironman world championship competitor. The Iron Man experience taught Adams motivational principles that have successfully driven him to continually improve and become the best in law—and life. Practicing Law Like An Ironman works! Since leaving the DA’s office and founding his solo practice two decades ago, Steve has more than quadrupled his income, all while building a large national following, and appearing on a host of radio and TV programs.