Steven VanCauwenbergh, Multimillionaire Entrepreneur and founder of the Savvy brand. A serial entrepreneur who has reached financial freedom through building several businesses (and also selling them!) in the service-based industries of accounting (2019-Present), music business (1992 - 2015), bridal (2000 - 2011) and real estate investing (1999-Present). The host of over 700+ podcasts for the modern-day entrepreneur at Steven is a long-time investor in income-producing properties and has mastered the critical areas of purchasing, financing, renovating and managing real estate. He has authored several books and courses empowering people to reach their goals of financial freedom. He is a highly sought after personal coach and teaches his techniques in seminars across the country. Builder of businesses would be an accurate way to classify what Steven passionately does in multiple branches of economic disciplines. Real estate, education, and the financial sector. Whenever he’s not securing funding for his clients and customers, you’ll find him training for a marathon. Fueled by personal development, this tech-savvy workhorse keeps a steady hand of control on the volume from his Google phone. Putting God first, family second, and business at a strong third.