Subrata Ray


Poet Subrata Ray M.A in English (Double) Literature ,and English Language is a published author of several books from Amazon ,Kindle , and Indian publications . Spiritual, devotional, supernatural, and mystic are the channels through which the poet explores his experiences of life . In the global world Subrata Ray is known as the surrealistic divine cum mystic poet .Other than the 15 books published in ,Kindle , poet Subrata Ray has his 800 poems in ,Speaking Tree , ,Face Book , All poetry ,Voices Net , and Academy of American Poets .Ray’s critical essays on poetry ,drama and novel are published in E-notes . The readers may read Author Subrata Ray in . He is a scholar cum critic on English Literature and Language .He has contributed more than three hundred critiques on British and American poets and dramatists . At present Subrata Ray is The Secretary cum The Headmaster of 12-grade Govt. Sponsored school ,-Moula Netaji Vidyalaya ,- Uluberia ,Shympur II ,Howrah ,-West Bengal ,India .


