When Things Stick: Untangling Your Body from Old Patterns
Sue J. Choi is a somatic movement teacher and bodywork with over 2 decades' experience working with clients to resolve chronic body issues. For more info, search for her name and 'Coherent Body'. Her interest in how deep currents of mental and emotional patterns distort a body has guided her study over the years. Her trainings include: Somatic movement with Advanced Rolfer Hubert Godard, yoga therapy at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Svetlana Masgutova's Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration™, Emilie Conrad's Continuum Movement, pilates through BASI and Marie-José Blom, craniosacral, visceral manipulation, manual osteopathic traditions, Tomatis™ Method, Bates Method.