SUE is an award-winning children’s book author, musical theater producer, SCBWI member, and philanthropist. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts in writing for children and young adults. Sue has performed in RENT on Broadway, run a marathon, and pursues other improbable and exciting challenges—as often as she can. Her books include THAT MONSTER ON THE BLOCK, NOW, I'M A BIRD, PLANET KINDERGARTEN, PLANET KINDERGARTEN:100 DAYS IN ORBIT, THE PRINCESS AND THE PEANUT: A ROYALLY ALLERGIC FAIRYTALE, and EVEN SUPERHEROES GET DIABETES. Sue has served as a NASA Social Media correspondent, a volunteer for The Planetary Society, and a space advocate representing the Space Exploration Alliance to Congress. She has also written and produced a STEAM video featured by The Planetary Society (The Galaxy Girls Save Pluto). You can often find Sue at her home in the Los Angeles mountains with her eyes to the stars.