About Vet Kids Club: Sue’s collection of children’s veterinary chapter books, known as the Vet Kids Club, mirrors her own and her children’s real-life adventures. To cater to a diverse audience with varying ages, reading abilities, and animal interests, Sue has adapted some of her original novels into shorter stories. The core series, the Vet Kids Club, has been slightly altered to lend to those passionate about equines, resulting in the creation of the Vet Kids Horse Club. From there, each of these primary series is further divided into two smaller series. Vet Kids in Action features excerpts from the Vet Kids Club, while Vet Kids in Training has horse-related excerpts from the Vet Kids Horse Club. About Sue: Sue Skelding, a veterinary graduate for over thirty years, discovered her passion for animals during her upbringing on her grandfather’s farm in Michigan. After starting college in Grand Rapids, she pursued her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Colorado State University before returning to lower Michigan to establish her first animal hospital. Presently, Sue resides in West Michigan, working as a small animal veterinarian. Her spare time is divided among caring for her menagerie of animals, horseback riding, bicycling, kayaking, and writing.
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