Sue Viders, with a B.F.A. degree, began writing in national art magazines to help artists market their creative endeavors, but then switched over to teaching writers, around the world, how to better organize and write more effectively so their books would sell better. Her most well-known nonfiction book often called the Bible of building characters, is THE COMPLETE WRITER'S GUIDE TO HEROES and HEROINES, SIXTEEN MASTER ARCHETYPES. Approaching the big Nine 0, and having survived numerous bouts with cancer, and other interesting medical problems, along with raising five children and assisting her attorney husband with her typing skills, she is proud to present her essay book. It all started with her newspaper articles, which gradually morphed into the OUT-OF-THE-BOX ESSAY book, containing 44 short thought-provoking and humorous comments on life and living. However, she also has other numerous nonfiction books, WRITING A NOVEL, CREATING A GREAT VILLAIN, and a card game, DEAL A STORY, THE WRITER'S TOOL BOX, for aspiring writers available with several more writing workbooks on the drawing board.