Children's book in Dutch: Draak, wat voel je: Children's Picture book in Dutch. Een leuk prenten boek over gevoelens en emoties. Kids book in Dutch language ... picture books in Dutch 5) (Dutch Edition)
Sujatha Lalgudi has been writing and painting since her childhood. She regularly conducts story-telling sessions for children in schools and libraries to promote book reading. You can also find her books in these languages: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Dutch, Finnish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Greek, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Romanian, Turkish, Croatian, Malay (Bahasa Melayu) , Slovak, Czech, Estonian, Malayalam and Hindi. She holds a Masters Degree in Computers. After working for several years in the Hi-Tech Industry of Silicon Valley, she decided to pursue her passion for publishing books for children.