At 16 years old, Susan Church-Downer was told by a cynical college professor that she had no ability to write and nothing to write about. Accepting his critique, she abandoned her dream until retirement. Fifty-five years later, she reclaimed her passion, writing memoir, poetry and one short story – so far. Now in her late 70s, she looks back on a patchwork of experiences and can't stop writing about them. A second memoir, "Drunk Luck – Sex, Drugs and Healing in the 1970s" is scheduled to be published in 2025. A third, as yet untitled, is the story of an unlikely family coming together during a criminal trial. That's probably enough memoirs so, assuming her body and mind are still strong enough, she plans to write fiction. Susan lives in Northern California with her husband, Richard, whose kindness and support of her writing projects cannot be overstated.