My journey into the world of gardening began in the innocence of childhood, not out of a noble pursuit of health, but rather driven by the desire to earn a few coins. As a young child, I found myself drawn to the idea of making money, and when my parents offered to pay me to grow vegetables for our family, I eagerly accepted the challenge. I still recall the thrill of earning my first 50 cents from a punnet of strawberries, a humble reward for the labor of nurturing tiny seeds into plump, juicy fruits. Yet, beyond the monetary gain, what truly captivated me was the profound sense of wonder and achievement that accompanied each harvest, witnessing the miraculous transformation from seed to succulent bounty. Over the years, my understanding of gardening has evolved. What once began as a means to earn pocket money has blossomed into a profound passion that I now share with my family. Today, I am excited to extend that passion to you, recognizing the myriad benefits that gardening offers beyond mere financial gain. From the therapeutic joys of nurturing living things to the satisfaction of cultivating your own sustenance, gardening has become an integral part of my life—a journey I am thrilled to embark on with you.