Amazon best-selling author Susan Mason was born in England where, as a child, she always enjoyed reading and writing stories. Enid Blyton's children's mysteries were her first real craze. She collected and read the whole "The Mystery of.." series. Later she moved on to other genres like historical fiction, discovering authors like Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy. When she was a teenager, she moved with her family to live in Australia, where she finished school and qualified as a CPA in Sydney. Later she returned to the UK, where she completed a Masters in Biblical Studies at Kings College London. It was only when she began freelance work that she became an author. Her primary interest is to write for children, both fiction and non-fiction. "It is my hope, through my stories and info-picture books, to share with children a delight in the world around us," she says. Axolotl! is her first published info-picture book in the Funny Fauna series. Her second book, The Little Chick of Sunrise Farm, is an illustrated Easter story for children. The short novel, Life According to Zoe, was inspired by the family puppy. She lives in London with her husband Phil, daughter Emma and pet Labrador Zoe.