I'm a dog mom of 14 & 13 year old Maltese boys, Toby & Milo. I was inspired by them, their cuteness and their hysterical mischief to author and self publish a cartoon children's book series about them. There are adorable cartoons on them, their family, friends, neighborhood and adventures including a haunted house Halloween book. After that I did other books including children's illustrated poem books on jungle animals and another on trees. Then I did a book on girl and a magic piano, and another book on her as pianist on a world tour. Then I started a series of books to teach kids names and appearance of things in nature through beautiful cartoon paintings... so far the 1st volumes for birds, flowers, dinosaurs and trees are available, with more coming soon. Just recently added 2 new kid's books to Toby & Milo series, lookin' for unicorns and savin' Christmas. And future books planned for more in Toby & Milo series, as well more in the For Love of Nature series, as well as a Suzi's guide to the universe and other educational books on astronomy, science, math, music, art and sciences. So follow and stay tuned! Right now it's just a new hobby but being retired, I finally have free time so I hope to do so much more including science and music educational books. So please follow me to see what's next. May dog be with you! And may your life be filled with love, joy and adventure! And your universe filled with music!