Susan Puzio


Susan Puzio is a church reformer and Christian apologist. One of her main callings has been exposing scam artists and their fraudulent financial practices within the Lord’s Church. She is the host of a weekly internet radio broadcast Prophetic News, and is the author of two books, President Trump's Pastor Paula White-The miracle selling huckster who became the spiritual advisor to the world's most powerful man and Seed Faith-Can a man bribe God? How false teachers manipulate and hypnotize you for offerings. Susan travelled the world for years after her conversion in 1981, as a Bible teacher, and is quite familiar with the operations of public gospel ministry. The hypocrisy of the "prosperity gospel" preachers who were using despicable techniques to enrich themselves and using the Lord Jesus Christ to do it has been the driving force behind her books. Susan was born again in 1981 at the age of 31 and spent the first 15 years of her Christianity in the Word of Faith movement, following the teachings of Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts and many others. In full time ministry travelling and preaching in the United States and many foreign countries, she removed herself from public ministry for a short period of time and took a long hard look at what she believed. Jesus never asked for money before he loved people and performed miracles for them, and no so-called minister of the gospel should either!


