At forty-four, perimenopause took me by surprise. I did not understand why I suddenly did not feel like myself. My mood swings were affecting my relationships. My sleep disruptions and brain fog were affecting my work performance. My unexplained weight gain rocked my confidence. Turns out, it was perimenopause. My doctors had little to offer me beyond hormone replacement therapy. As a holistic wellness practitioner, reaching for prescriptions as a first resort was counter to my nature. So, I looked for other things I could embrace to find relief. It was frustratingly difficult to find good information or a comprehensive resource for those of us in perimenopause (as opposed to full-blown menopause). At the same time, many of my friends were suffering in silence, searching for some sort of playbook, a user manual for navigating the hormonal chaos. Once we started talking openly about our experiences, more and more women came into my field of awareness with similar frustrations, looking for more holistic solutions. I wrote this book for myself, my friends, and all of you who want to build a took-kit from which to customize your wellness plan. I want you to be empowered to take control of your health, restructure your life to allow for deep self-care, and truly make this phase of life a liberating one.