Ty Leese Javeh


Ty Leese Javeh was born and raised in Washington DC. She is a mother of one and a grandmother. She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family. Ty Leese Javeh love of reading started when she was a child, but in high school, her love of reading became a passion for writing. She started writing short stories for English class and found it to be relaxing and started writing in her free time. Soon, she found herself interesting in writing novels. Ty Leese wrote her first novel at the age of 18, however it wasn’t until she was well in her adulthood that she thought of becoming a published author. Ty Leese Javeh has been a published author for a little over a year and she feels truly blessed. Faith and prayer are what gives Ty Leese Javeh the courage to keep striving for success. She encourages anyone out there with a dream to never give up and to keep pushing forward no matter how many people try to discourage you. Thank you for reading my books and getting to know me. Contact Ty Leese Javeh: Facebook: tyleesejaveh Twitter: @tyleesejaveh Instagram: @tyleesejaveh



