I was a happy child and a confident teenager. Nobody, least of all me, had me down for someone who would "get" anorexia. However, at seventeen I developed an eating disorder that nearly killed me. Ten years on and still struggling, I pushed myself into a program of self-feeding, resting, and unrestricted eating. I made a full and compete recovery without any "professional" intervention. Since then, I've worked as a recovery coach, and written five books on eating disorder recovery. My first book "Love Fat," is a memoir about my eating disorder and my recovery. This book is not a recovery guide, it is a story. My second book, "Rehabilitate, Rewire, Recover!" pulls together recovery information from my own recovery, and those of my clients. This book is a recovery guide for people in recovery, as well as parents, caregivers, and medical professionals who want to better understand the nuances of an eating disorder. My third book, "Neural Rewiring for Eating Disorder Recovery," focuses specifically on the process of changing entrenched behaviors, thought processes, and how to rewire belief systems — most importantly, how to rewire negative body image. My fourth book "Fear of Weight Gain," outlines how to change what I believe to be the fundamental belief system that develops within a person with an eating disorder; that is, the belief that weight gain is a threat. My fifth book, "How not to let an eating disorder ruin your pregnancy," is specific to pregnancy and how not to allow an eating disorder to re-emerge during the postpartum period. My sixth book isn't about eating disorder recovery. It is about the inadequacies in eating disorder treatment. Specifically, "The Rabbit Hole" calls out therapists and treatment centres and demands better and more effective treatment protocols. I write and podcast about eating disorder recovery for adults. I also have a YouTube channel. All these resources are free and can be found on my website tabithafarrar.com Eating Disorder Recovery Website: tabithafarrar.com Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/eating-disorder-recovery-podcast/id1138563928?mt=2