Terri Barnes


Terri Barnes is a journalist, author, and book editor. Spouse Calls: Messages from a Military Life is a best-of collection from her weekly column in Stars and Stripes. She has contributed to several other books about military life and has edited many more, including Stories Around the Table. Her work has appeared in Air Force/Army/Navy Times, Military Spouse magazine, The (Charleston, SC) Post and Courier, Books Make a Difference magazine, and dozens of newspapers, magazines, and publications worldwide. Terri has a lifetime of experience in military life, growing up in a military family and then becoming a military spouse. Her father was a Vietnam veteran and career airman. Her husband, Mark, served in three wars in his Air Force career. Terri and Mark have three children. Terri is a cum laude graduate of Baylor University in Waco, Texas, where she studied journalism. After living in eleven states, two foreign countries, and one U.S. territory, Terri is currently based in Summerville, South Carolina, which she estimates is her eighteenth new hometown as part of a military family.


