"The Activist For Activists", Terri L. Lyon loves helping people get started in activism. She hopes "The Happy Activist" helps you find your passion and make a difference doing something you love. For those who claim mental health as the cause closest to their heart, "Make A Difference with Mental Health Activism" will help you create a better world for those with mental illness. Terri used her research-based 5-Step Activism Path to find the cause closest to her heart. The thoughtful reflection about how she wanted to live her values led her to veganism as a method to mitigate climate change. She works to eliminate the factory farming of animals and improve the health of people and the planet. Terri holds a Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology. She is a licensed psychologist, teacher, treasurer of a federal credit union, and professional arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau. Her career covers a broad spectrum of positions in government, Fortune 500 manufacturing, and educational institutions. Terri and her husband Pat have two adult sons and a houseful of furbabies.