The Farmer's Wife


Motivated by our desire to eat and live a cleaner lifestyle coupled with being given the gift of time to do so with our fourth child graduating from college. In 2018, we decided to buy a family farm and our lives have forever been changed for the better! Then 2020 arrived, bringing many families out to our farm seeking a bit of normalcy and community for their children. With such a high demand, our farm plan quickly pivoted resulting in the creation of our youth farm school program, Young Pioneers. Using our farm as a classroom, centered on regenerative agriculture, utilizing permaculture techniques, and inviting nature into our gardens to help tend to our crops, an incredible opportunity for exploration, investigation and hands-on learning outdoors emerged. It's a privilege to teach children where food comes from and seeing them light up as they make connections in the gardens and throughout our farm in nature. Our hope is to share a bit of this journey in nature-based education through our children's book series.


