The Old Lady Next Door collaborates with the Montessori Mom to bring fun and engaging books to young readers. In a world full of gadgets, devices and non-natural things we re-introduce the fun of playing outside, getting dirty, and befriending your neighbors. Maybe we're old-fashioned, but we like it that way. After living "next door" for several years and barely knowing each other, we finally met with the help of two energetic boys, ages 4 and 6, and two magical Cardigan Corgis. We all started getting dirty in the garden, digging for worms, spinning the compost, playing with the dogs, throwing all kinds of ball, chasing and tackling the old lady. The Old Lady Next Door tapped back into her inner child and lifelong love of cartoons. Montessori Mom leapt at the opportunity to create content she envisioned for young readers. Together we believe in inspiring curiosity, play, and human connection.