Thierry Gaillard


Tony Thierry Gaillard (MA) is a researcher and accredited psychotherapist from Geneva, specialized in psychoanalysis, transgenerational therapy, psychogenetics and HP personalities (more information on his website After studying psychology in Switzerland (MA) and in New York (Graduate Center CUNY), he worked as an assistant at the University of Geneva and in child and adolescent care facilities. He trained in Gestalt therapy, psycho-corporal and systemic therapies, phenomenology, before being initiated to the arcane of the unconscious in several psychoanalytical currents. He has worked in institutions and obtained the title of FSP psychotherapist as well as the right to practice in Geneva and Vaud. Since 1998 he has his own private practice in Lake Geneva area (Geneva, Lausanne and Montreux). In addition to his consultations, he offers training and supervision, writes articles and books, collaborates on various projects and has attracted media attention for numerous interviews. With his transgenerational reinterpretation of the Oedipus myth (over 4 generations) he presents the fruit of more than 25 years of research. In particular, he reveals a therapeutic model that finally explains the glorious apotheosis of Oedipus at Colonus. A discovery that renews a body of ancient knowledge, especially transgenerational knowledge, essential to shed light on today's individual and collective problems. By reconsidering our relationship to the world and to origins, this new paradigm proposes to remedy environmental and climatic issues. This new interpretation is presented in four books recently republished by Génésis éditions: "A propos de la métamorphose d'Œdipe en héros de Colone", Génésis éditions, (2020) "Transgenerational therapy and psychogenesis of the subject" Génésis éditions (2021) "The other Oedipus", Génésis éditions (2020) "Sophocles therapist", Génésis éditions (2020) The first volume has been translated under the title: "Transgenerational Healing of Oedipus at Colonus: Unveiling a Universal Therapeutic Model" (Genesis Editions, 2020) His French bestseller, "Integrer ses héritages transgenerationels", for a large audience, summarizes the essence of his research and has been translated as: "Transgenerational Therapy: Healing the Inherited Burden" (Genesis Editions 2020). Since 2015, in order to share with a larger audiance the relevance of transgenerational analyses, he has created a collection of collective works, "Psychogénétique", to present different facets of transgenerational analysis and decompartmentalize the multiple existing approaches: "Exemples de thérapie transgenerationnelles" published in 2015, (2nd edition in 2020), "Analyses transgénérationnelles pour mieux comprendre", volume 1 and 2, (2nd edition in 2020). "Chamanisme, rapport aux ancêtres et intégration transgenerationnelle" (2nd edition in 2020). One of them has been translated as: "Shamanism Ancestors and Transgenerational Therapy; Contemporary Practices and Universal Wisdom" (Genesis Editions, 2020) His transgenerational analyses of the life of Camille Claudel and Gustave Courbet are models of their kind. The article "Courbet between shadow and light" has attracted the interest of the Courbet Institute in Ornans (see the interview in the Institute's December 2017 newsletter) and reference on Wikipedia. He is published by Genesis Editions, an independant editor in Geneva (, who has taken over Ecodition's catalog in 2020.


