Thomas is a former farmer, has a degree in engineering from University of Sao Paulo, Executive MBA from Business School Sao Paulo, Licensed Professional in Ecological Agriculture from Latin American Science Institute and Agribusiness Seminar at Harvard. Successful corporate executive, with work experience in 20 countries In management consultancy and evolved to an entrepreneurial life in which he was awarded over 12 times for impact, innovation and sustainability. Creative leader with 4 patents filed, published 23 books including “Fundamentals of Conscious Capitalism” (2016 in Portuguese), Conscious Capitalism Field Guide (Harvard BUsiness Review Press 2018). Cofounder of the conscious capitalism movement in Brazil and Peru, Cofounder and CEO of CBJ – Conscious Business Journey, a network of 1.200 certified Conscious Capitalist Consultants / Change Agents, with presence in 23 countries. Thomas is a TEDx speaker with over 400k views and his purpose is to accelerate the upgrade of leaders and their organizations towards a more conscious business ecosystem.