My work as a technical writer is based on more than 40 years of practical experience as an engineer in the automation industry. Since 2012, I have been able to pass on this expertise to students specialising in automation. Two books have been produced for this purpose, each covering the subject in full. The textbook "Structured Automation Systems - The Right Component Selection for Modular Machines and Systems" was published in 2020. With "Automation 4.0 - Object-oriented development of modular machines for digital production" (published in 2018/2024), I have expressed my particular weakness for the development and production of modular production systems. This also serves as a textbook in the field of "Automation of modular production systems". When I'm not working on technical publications, I also venture into the world of entertainment. My collection of detective stories, "Murder and Pasta - Seven Leipzig Detective Stories" is an amusing example of this.