Tim Chambers


TIM CHAMBERS... ADMITS AN OBSESSION WITH BEAUTY. considers it a gift to wake up each day. LOVES SUNSHINE. does amazing things with a brush. HAS FUN WITH KIDS. thinks everyone is a miracle. CAN PICTURE IT ALL. has learned a lesson or two. WELCOMES CREATIVE CHALLENGES. lives in horse country. KNOWS HIS CRAFT. brings his paints and Nikon everywhere. ENJOYS A GOOD LAUGH. is married to his best friend. SAYS GOOD ART IS STEEPED IN JOY. sometimes paints the sky veridian...or pink. FRAMES HIS KIDS' ARTWORK. has had three Goldens. LIKES CALVIN & HOBBES. believes his best work is ahead of him. ENJOYS TEACHING. lives by grace. THINKS DARK CHOCOLATE IS ESSENTIAL. exceeds expectations. On a more technical note, Tim grew up in his dad's (William Chambers) studio. He knew early on what his vocation would be (though he did envision playing for the Chicago White Sox for a moment or two). Tim has been a full-time professional artist for going on twenty years, focusing mostly on portraits, though he gets a kick out of painting landscapes outdoors. He loves teaching, and has been offering classes and workshops for most of his career. This is his first book; he has several others in the works, both fiction and nonfiction. See more about Tim at his site www.timothychambers.com.


