Solving problems is one of the best feelings ever, whether related to health, education, or anything else. We all face challenges throughout life, from our youth to middle age and beyond. I've been lucky enough to find some solutions to these issues, and I love sharing them through my books. Middle age threw quite a few health challenges my way, including obstructive sleep apnea and prostate cancer. I firmly believe that faith played a huge role in overcoming these issues and thriving afterward. That's why I wrote Sleep Apnea Cured in Three Steps, detailing the three natural methods I used to eliminate my obstructive sleep apnea without relying on a CPAP machine. I hope to publish a book on tackling prostate cancer soon. We now have three amazing grandchildren, and I've discovered that they thrive on Bible-based learning books. I'm planning a series of these books, starting with The Children’s Bible Tracing and Writing Workbook. This book features sight words, simple sentences, and writing and tracing exercises, all infused with Bible verses. Children will learn to read, write, and be exposed to God’s Word simultaneously. Stay tuned for more health-related and Christian education books from me in the future. As long as there are challenges to be solved, people will keep writing about their solutions, and I hope to contribute to this body of knowledge! Thanks for stopping by my author page. Best wishes, Tim