Timothy A Brown


Timothy A. Brown earned a masters degree in Social Work from Sacramento State University in 1984 and is a licensed Clinical Social Worker. An expert on the community treatment of mental illness and addiction; as well as the causes and solutions to homelessness, he has published reports and given expert testimony to 20 Superior Courts, local governments and the California State Legislature. His writing is inspired by actual events drawn from his thirty-five years of experience as a street level organizer/activist and manager of innovative mental health and homeless programs in Sacramento, California. Mr. Brown was a founding board member of the Sacramento Homeless Organizing Committee, Sacramento Housing Alliance Inc., Sacramento Self Help Housing Inc., Clean and Sober Inc., Sacramento Board on Homelessness, and Mather Community Campus. He served as Executive Director of Sacramento Loaves & Fishes Inc., The Ending Chronic Homelessness Initiative and Sacramento Steps Forward Inc. A recipient of many community service awards, Mr. Brown delivered a Commencement Address to 600 graduates of the College of Health and Human Services, Sacramento State University in 2005 and was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter in 2011. A member of the Loreto Writers Collective since 2012, his short stories were published in a compilation of writers, “Reflections by the Sea” in 2015 with Blurb. This collection of short stories is about the ex-patriot experience in Baja California, Mexico. His first novel of fiction “Squatter’s Gold” was published by NFB Publishing in July of 2018.

